Heintzmann South Africa (PTY) Ltd is part of the Heintzmann Holding GmbH, which has its hed office in Bochum, Germany. The Heintzmann Group celebrated recently its 160 year in the manufacturing of stell safety products, originally for the mining industry and for the last 60 years also steel safety products for road infrastructure. The high priority on safety in mines to save lives has been a priority in the manufacturing of tested road safety systems. The Heintzmann philosophy is to safe and protect all road useres, pedestrians and occupants of motor vehicles, therefore our firm believe in steel systems to safe lives.
Heintzmann Holding GmbH manufactures passive road safety equipment in factories all over the world and supplies various subsidiaries from these factories. Heintzmann SA is also souring certain products directly from South Africa manufacturers.
Heintzmann Holding GmbH (Germany) is internationally renowned as specialists in their field and has a wide range of technologically advanced systems to meet all traffic safety barrier requirements. All steel guardrails and barriers for permanent and temporary use are crash-tested according to SANS 51317-2 (EN 1317-2) standards and have containment levels ranging from N2 to H4b in variours production standards such as RAL-RG 620 (Germany), NF (Norm Francaise), CORPRO (Belgium), ASTRA (Swiss) etc. and also the ERF (European Union Road Federation). In addition to SANS 51317-2 Heintzmann is also accredited with the SABS, SANS 1350:2005. The factories are also accredited according to the EN ISO 9001.
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